June 13-15 2025

A JBS Celebration Weekend at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario.

As part of the 150th anniversary commemorating JB’s birth, and the 90th anniversary of his appointment and arrival in Canada as Governor-General, Canadian and American JBS members and friends have organized a weekend event at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, June 13-15, 2025.  Deborah Lady Stewartby and Ursula Buchan will be guest speakers for Friday and Saturday evening respectively. In addition, Saturday morning, June 14, there will be a moderated session for attendees, who so wish, to name a favourite Buchan book and why it is a favourite. The morning will end with a talk on what Tweedsmuir gave Canada. Saturday afternoon, we will have the Queen’s U. Library Special Collections staff addressing us and exhibiting material from JB’s personal library which they hold

November 7th, 1936, Tweedsmuir received an honorary doctorate from Queen’s University. The address he gave at that convocation, entitled “The Moderate Man”, is in Canadian Occasions: Addresses by Lord Tweedsmuir, The Musson Book Company Ltd., Toronto, 1940, pages 173-183.