About Us
The Society’s objective is ‘to promote a wider understanding and appreciation of the life and works of John Buchan, Lord Tweedsmuir (1875–1940).‘
Based in the UK, it is a literary society with members across the world, including a significant number in Canada and the US. It is a non-profit making organisation and registered as a charity. New members are welcome to join at any time, on payment of an annual subscription.
Its main aims are to hold regular meetings and social gatherings, to produce a journal, to compile a bibliography covering everything written by or about John Buchan, to endow John Buchan Prizes at schools and universities and to support The John Buchan Story Museum in Peebles.
Since its foundation in 1979, the John Buchan Society has always been linked closely with JB’s family. Today it benefits from the involvement of some of JB’s grandchildren who are experts on different aspects of his life.
The Society is managed via an elected council.
Members receive two newsletters a year, and a copy of the John Buchan Journal, a focus for JB studies, which is published towards the end of the year. The journal contains a mixture of scholarly and less formal articles.
All members are welcome at the springtime annual meetings, held alternately in different locations across Scotland and England, when talks and outings are arranged over a weekend.
The JB Society also organises conferences every two years or so, where Buchan’s work can be explored in depth. It is also actively engaged in other activities to promote JB’s work and make his various papers, currently held in different libraries around the world, more widely available to the public.